Japan (日本) to Kyushu (九州) to Fukuoka (福冈)

I always feel that it is good that I first get a sense of the geography of the place that I am going; this way I can better appreciate the place. A quick search on google will reveal tons of good maps (wonderful world wide web indeed!) and I happened to chance upon this map.
So Kyushu is actually southern Japan near the famous Okinawa. A pity we don't have enough time and enough budget for Okinawa this time round. But for those who are interested, apparently Skymark Airlines will  bring you there for an affordable price. I found all those previously when I was doing the scope of my Japan trip this time round.

And so I scoped down to Kyushu (in fact Northern Kyushu only) for my 7 days' trip this time round. Looking at the map, there are other areas that are accessible to Fukuoka like Beppu (别府市), Kokura, Nagasaki. A glimpse at some information shows that Beppu is very renowned for their onsens. I love onsens!

And this time round, our base will be at Fukuoka ! Actually it's good to accomodate around other areas like Beppu, Nagasaki, Yufuin, Aso etc but the truth was I made the greatest mistake thinking that Kyushu is like Kansai whereby we can move around quick enough so I already booked all my hotels at Fukuoka! But anyway it also means more time to enjoy the JR train (looking at things on the bright side & also to console my travel mate!).

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